Doubt and Science

Own perspective

2 min readOct 29, 2021

Research relies on funding. Otherwise we wouldn't be having all these catalogs of researched materials. These are ideas from problems. How do we fix this? what's more about this existing problem etc.

Scientists that have stepped into the fray are targeted and are subject to influence corruption and infiltration by mega companies, individuals that fight scientific evidence and discrediting notions that science could provide the truth about the natural world. These infiltrators are seeking to derail science.

Traditionally, science has the role of highlighting natural mechanisms and reaching these explanations for the slightly observable fact. That is how science normally progresses by solving more and more mysteries and in principle our knowledge of the world increases.

I was watching a documentary a few weeks back about facts and fiction in science and realized doubt is legitimately part of science. Creation of doubt is ultimately a central part of science because it drives everything forward.

We don’t doubt existing explanations. For example, the established science about the earth being round. Any other studies wont change results of this fact.

Doubt is in ongoing science and this helps in more discoveries. Why don’t we trust science any more? is it because you(politicians and corporations) can get anyone to say anything you want scientists to if you pay them enough?

